Samsung Galaxy Note 2 vs Samsung Galaxy S3 - Price and Specs Comparison - The Fuse Joplin The advantages of the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 are: a huge screen, a long lasting battery and a rounded rectangular aspect, although it looks a lot like its predecessor, the Galaxy Note. The Galaxy S3 has a decent price and lots of cool applications that you
Review: Samsung Galaxy S3 VS Samsung Galaxy Note 2, Pilih Mana? | Raya Fahreza Punya Blog Kamera, Bagusan Punya S3 atau Note 2? Nah, soal ini bisa dibilang seri kamera keduanya sama persis. Bukan cuma dari angka megapixel, tapi juga udah ngecek baca sana-sini, memang pakai modul kamera yang sama persis. Aplikasi kamera di Galaxy Note 2 ...
Benchmark comparison: Galaxy S4 vs Galaxy S III vs Note 2 vs ... 4 Apr 2013 ... Benchmark comparison: Galaxy S4 vs Galaxy S III vs Note 2 vs Optimus G ..... S3 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 3 3 16
Galaxy Note 2 gets benchmarked, scores better than the S3 30 Aug 2012 ... The brand new Galaxy Note 2 has been benchmarked, ... One of the most well- known benchmark tests is also one that can ... In comparison, the HTC One X only scores around 4,500 ...